Squillion History

~ As the official shelter keeper of the VSquillions I am working on tracing the history of the VSquillions, aka Green Wall Shelter Kitties. If anyone has information about the history of the Squillions or would like to share your adoption story with me please contact me via email ~

~~ "Squillion means ceramic Squillion, which Derby did start the whole ball rolling with the first.  VSquillion means "virtual Squillion, which Sanjee did start" ~~ Information from Mom Robyn 3 May 2013 
Derby ~ Founder of the VSquillions,
aka Green Wall Shelter Kitties.
First one found 28 February 2006 
Finder of the Squillions ~ Sanjee & Robyn
1. Squillions were first called Green Wall Shelter Kitties. Not sure when the name was changed. Theycame from Walgreen's and were made in China, I believe. That's how they originally had the name "Green Wall Shelter Kitties". Derby found Virginia (the first one) and founded the Squillions. Derby is the founder of the Squillions (ceramic ones) I believe, also the founder of the mini-Squillions. ~ Information from Robyn ~
2. 29 February 2006 ~ First post about Squillions Derby and his friend Vir-ginger started it back on 28 February 2006, and Vir-ginger started going outside and repurrting on what she saw." ( I think Derby is the founder of the Squillions and will post that information once I receive confirmation.)
Posted by Derry 
3. 2 June 2006 ~ First found photo of adopted Squillion, aka Green Wall Shelter Kittie, Vir-ginger. Adopted by Derby
4. 10 June 2006 ~ First photo taken of Squillions, aka Green Wall Shelter Kitties. Derby fostered a litter, first photo of a litter, of Squillions waiting for adoption.
5. 22 June 2006 ~ First international adoption took place. Mandarin (Mandy) adopted by Eric and Flynn arrived safely in England.
Green Wall Shelter Kitties Crazy! 
6. 12 July 2006 ~ Mom Robyn heard more kitties and beans wanted to adopt kitties, so she checked the last shelter nearby, and decided to foster ALL the shelter kitties that were there that still needed homes. 
First known photo of largest litter of Squillions, aka Green Wall Shelter Kitties
7. 13 July 2006 ~ A litter of Green Wall Shelter Kitties ready to head to their new adoptive home,s click here for adoption stories. Mom Robyn finder. 
8. 9 August 2006 ~ Scooby, Shaggy, and Scout got a special Secret Paws purresent from Derby.
Their newest family member Sioux was inside. First record of adoption from a Secret Paw.
9. 10 October 2007 ~  First known photo of a Squillion wearing glasses. Adopted by Karl at The Cat Realm (" . . .  was found in a thrift store by the maid and she brought it home for us so of course we immediately gave it a pair of glasses. He has since moved on to another home . . ."
 ~Information from Karl, 27 April 2013
10. 29 February 2008 ~ First graphic found for Squillions. 
11. 1 December 2009 ~ First entry of the new shelter located. " . . . now that we have a wonderful, dedicated new Shelter Keeper, it will stay in shape."
~Written by Mom Robyn~
12. 3 December 2009 ~ Official VSquillion records for new shelter posted.
~Posted by Mom Robyn~
13. 6 December 2009 ~ "Once we realized there were only a limited number of Squillions in existence, the entire Cat Blogosphere was devastated. Sanjee, assisted by her Mom Robyn, managed to locate a small colony of VSquillion families and offer them for adoption. Thanks to them, we now have a thriving shelter." ~Written by Mom Robyn~
14. December 2009 ~ Gracie appointed Shelter Keeper
14. 1 July 2010 ~ First time offered for adoption Angel & Missy U VSquillions
15. 2013 February ~ Updated list of VSquillions posted.
16. 10 July 2013 ~ New litter of brand new Angel VSquillions available for adoptions. There are twelve ones to choose from. Adoptions will be available for the Angel VSquillions all the time.


  1. No info here but we're glad those VSquillions are wearing their hard hats!

    Raz and The Florida Furkids

  2. If anyone has information about the history of the squillions please email me. I want to get as much information as I can here at the shelter so this isn't lost.

  3. you are doing a wonderful job here Gracie. Keep going.

  4. Now that was interesting and FUN!
    Thanks to all the keepers of this great colony so future generations may adopt these VSquillions!

  5. This is the neatest thing ever! Gracie, we think you are wonderful for taking such great care of this precious shelter. You are doing a fantastic job.

  6. Oh Boy! I"ve been wanting a squilllion for ages!! - Crepes.

  7. The Squillions are looking great and ready fur their new homes Gracie. Wonderful job you are doing in keeping this shelter going.

  8. Oooh I say, I need two vSquillions, how do I apply?
